luni, 28 noiembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

"Sexiest Man Alive" Then and Now

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 05:20 PM PST

With the recent release of People Magazines "Sexiest Man Alive issue we have gone back to some of the previous winners to see how their physiques and faces have held up over time. While time is not kind to any man, some of these stars did not help the process with their face-lifts, ugly haircuts and extra few pounds.

Brendan Fraser

Axl Rose

Bruce Jenner

James Spader

John Travolta

Mel Gibson

Mickey Rourke

Nic Cage

Nick Nolte

Russell Crowe

Tom Cruise

Val Kilmer

Vince Vaughn

Cyber Monday in the Workplace [infographic]

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 05:00 PM PST

Cyber Monday, for those of you who haven't yet heard of it, is only the BIGGEST day in online shopping of the year. The Monday following Black Friday is a day where many of you will be glued to your computer screens, credit card in hand, making holiday purchases.

Cyber Monday is a relatively new thing having begun in 2004, however it's youth has not stopped it from growing in popularity. In 2010 the average transaction was $195 up from the 2008 average of $130. Last year's Cyber Monday also saw a record amount of total money spent the total coming in at $1.03 billion. If you want to save the money, but were too lazy to get up this past Friday you may want to check out some Cyber Monday deals.

Source: cheapsally

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