joi, 24 noiembrie 2011



Behold Facebook’s New ‘Page Insights’ Dashboard

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 07:02 AM PST

In what seems to me to be a bid to prove to marketers that advertising with Facebook can produce great results, Facebook have rolled out a new 'Page Insights' dashboard which provide metrics on user engagement. They intend to delete all data from your old insights page on the 15th of February 2012 and will stop collecting data on the 15th of December 2011.

The new dashboard looks like this:

In addition to 'total likes', you can now view the number of friends that your fans have, thereby giving you an estimate of your total reach.

You probably would have seen the stats for the number of people 'talking about this' on Facebook pages for a while; this is now provided on the dashboard as well. This is quite an important statistic to gauge your engagement with your community, as shares, comments, likes, posts etc. are all taken into account.

Your weekly total reach gives you the number of people who have seen any content associated with your page, including 'ads' and 'sponsored stories' that send traffic to your page. This metric is quite unique as it is different to 'impressions', where you're provided with the number of unique people who have seen the ad. This metric in my opinion would be quite useful, especially when running a branding campaign.

Below the graph, you are provided with stats for all your page posts:

- Your 'Reach' (number of unique people who've seen your post),

- Your 'Engaged Users' (the number of unique people who have clicked on your post).

- Those who are 'Talking about this' (the number of unique people who have liked, commented or shared your post; or responds to your event; or answers a question you posted) and

- 'Virality' ('people talking about this' divided by 'reach' and multiplied by 100) – this is basically your viral thermometer.

What's cool about these stats is if you click on the figures, you are provided with even more statistics, such as how many of these posts were 'organic', 'paid' or actually 'viral' etc.

On the tree menu on your left, you can navigate to see your statistics about your 'likes'. This is quite similar to the old insights, but in addition to the gender, age and geographic locations of your community, you can also view 'where your likes came from'. This is quite useful to know whether people liked your page from their newsfeed, on your website, or after visiting your page; all this provided for you on a timeline. This will be especially useful to gauge which mediums of promotions are performing best, such as 'paid ads', special offers for the Facebook community and website content updates (do people like your page once they arrive at a new product page or a post etc.).

Under reach, again you're provided with demographic data, but what's even more interesting is the stats about 'how you reached people' and also your top referrers.


As I mentioned before, the 'Talking about this' section is probably the most important in terms of gauging your social media health. These graphs provide you with data about the number of 'unique people' who created a story about your page and also the number of 'unique people' who saw a story about your page published by their friend.

All this data and information is wonderful for an eMarketer, but how can you utilise this data in order to improve business performance and activity? Each business is unique and has different goals, which means that your social media strategy would also differ. However, one thing I believe will remain a constant, which is even more emphasised by all these metrics, is the consistent supply of unique and useful content and engagement with your community. Using the plethora of data provided by Facebook, you can now gauge what type of content resonates with your community and what doesn't.  This is by far the most generous Facebook has ever been in terms of providing data to page owners. Hopefully this will provide eMarketers with greater direction on their social media campaigns.

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Related posts:

  1. Facebook Insights for Domains – Measuring Social Media Success
  2. How Important are Facebook Likes for Search? – Presentation from SMX London
  3. A Summary of Major F8 Facebook Updates

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