vineri, 25 noiembrie 2011



Social media and blogging tips for businesses at OxonDigital

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 06:19 AM PST

On 23rd November the SEOptimise team attended OxonDigital, a local digital and networking event that I have created in Oxford for all things digital. The focus of the latest event was Social Media and Blogging for businesses with presentations from Ali Luke and our very own Marcus Taylor.

The event was well attended, with over 40 members in the audience from various backgrounds and coming from as far as Banbury.

Ali started the presentations by talking about the basics to blogging for your business, giving away some great tips to help start or improve your business blog. Following on from Ali’s presentation Marcus discussed Social Media and ROI, providing a different angle on what ROI from Social Media could be. The presentations were followed by a Q&A session where the audience asked some interesting questions based on the presentation given, and from personal experience.

SEOptimise are proud to sponsor local events like OxonDigital and encourage those based in and around Oxford who are interested in all things digital to come along to the next event. To keep up to date, follow OxonDigital on Twitter @OxonDigital or visit

You can view their presentations below.

Ali Luke presented on Blogging for Business

Marcus Taylor presented on Five Ways to Drive Business Using Social Media (Instantly)

OxonDigital – Oxford's Digital Networking & Social Event

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Social media and blogging tips for businesses at OxonDigital

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  1. Using Social Media to Create Topical Content Around Trends
  2. SEOptimise celebrates blogging success with Best Blog win at UK Search Awards
  3. Using Social Media for SEO Benefit – Travel Presentation @ SAScon 2011

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