sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011

Weekly Address: We Have to Increase the Pace

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Weekly Address: We Have to Increase the Pace

Speaking from the University of Pittsburgh, Vice President Biden argues that this month’s jobs numbers demonstrate that Congress should pass the American Jobs Act to strengthen our economy and create jobs right away.

Watch the video.

Weekly Address

Vice President Joe Biden tapes the weekly address at the University of Pittsburgh, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 4, 2011.   (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann)

Weekly Wrap Up

Here's what happened this week on Whitehouse.gov: 

Executive Orders Wednesday in the Oval Office, the President signed an Executive Order to guard against prescription drug shortages. This is one of a number of Executive Orders the President initiated to help Americans who have been waiting for Congress to act. “Congress has been trying since February to do something about this. It has not been able to get it done. It is the belief of this administration that we can’t wait to take action on the hill, we have got to go ahead and move forward.”

National Monument With the strong support of Virginians, President Obama signed a proclamation on Tuesday establishing Fort Monroe as a national monument. Local analysts predict that this will create thousands of jobs in the commonwealth of Virginia.

G20 Summit The President travelled to Cannes, France, on Thursday for the G20 Summit to meet with leaders from the 20 nations that represent the world’s most influential industrialized economies. During his visit, the President also held bilateral talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Trick-or-Treat At the North Portico of the White House, the President and First Lady welcomed students and children of military families to the White House for the annual Halloween celebration and trick-or-treating. Harry Potters, princesses, and vampires alike received a goody bag filled with White House M&Ms, cookies, and dried fruit.

NASA Visitors In the Oval Office Thursday, the President welcomed the crew of the Space Shuttle Atlantis to the White House.  Earlier in the week, NASA held their Fourth Annual NASA Small Business Symposium to provide opportunities for small businesses. NASA shares the Administration’s strong commitment to the small business community. There will be new opportunities to work with small business partners in the near future as NASA takes its next big leap into deep space exploration.

Key Bridge  To continue the urgent call for Congress to take action, President Obama spoke about the American Jobs Act in front Washington’s historic Francis Scott Key Bridge. If passed by Congress, the American Jobs Act would create new infrastructure projects and put thousands of construction workers back on the job.

West Wing Week: Check out your video guide to everything that happened at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

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