vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

West Wing Week: "Let's Get Moving"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, Nov. 4, 2011

West Wing Week: "Let's Get Moving"

This week, the President urged Congress to pass the infrastructure component of the American Jobs Act and continued to take executive action to strengthen the economy and put folks back to work. The President also celebrated Diwali and hosted Halloween, spoke at the Italian American Heritage Gala, signed two Executive Orders, welcomed NASA Astronauts in the Oval Office, and interviewed with local news stations from across the country.

Watch the video:

West Wing Week

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Holly Petraeus Gets It
Vice President Biden sends an email to the White House email list highlighting Holly Petraeus's testimony on Capitol Hill today, and calling on Congress to confirm Richard Cordray as the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

President Obama at the G20
Today, President Obama is in France for a gathering of 20 nations that represent the world's most important industrialized economies.

We the People Update
We the People is still going strong a month after its launch, gaining nearly 31,000 new signatures everyday while working with users to improve and fine tune the experience.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

3:55 AM: The President arrives Espace Riviera

4:15 AM: The President participates in a third G-20 working session

5:30 AM: The President participates in a fourth G-20 working session

6:45 AM: The President participates in a fifth G-20 working session

8:00 AM: The President participates in a working lunch with G-20 leaders

9:15 AM: The President hosts a bilateral meeting with President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina

10:10 AM: The President arrives Espace Riviera

10:15 AM: The President holds a press conference on the G-20 Summit

11:05 AM: The President arrives City Hall

11:10 AM: The President joins President Nicolas Sarkozy of France in an event honoring the alliance between the United States and France; The President and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France deliver remarks

12:00 PM: The President participates in a joint interview with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France with TF 1 and France 2

1:10 PM: The President departs Nice, France en route Joint Base Andrews

10:10 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews  

10:25 PM: The President arrives at the White House Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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