duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

[Fast Blog Finder] When DoFollow blogs can hurt you...

The majority of bloggers are kind of radical when it comes to blog commenting -- they're focusing on DoFollow blogs and let others tap into NoFollow direct link traffic.

Smart users recognize the power of "never leaving money on the table" that's why I suggest you give the DoFollow blogs priority while take advantage of NoFollow blogs too. You never know where the best traffic is coming from, so why not get the most out of everything you do?

Just remember this rule when you comment on DoFollow blogs -- don't be greedy!

So, click the link below to know how you can hurt yourself when commenting on DoFollow blogs:

Have you ever found some crappy blogs showing from search to search? In Fast Blog Finder Gold edition you can add those domains to the blacklist in order not to see them in the results anymore [funny way to "manipulate" Google results!]

Julia Gulevich
G-Lock Software

P.S In my next email I'll reveal you one little secret how you can double your link building efforts. Hope you're still on the list.

Company info:
G-Lock Software, Level 5, 369 Queen Street, Auckland, NZ.

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