miercuri, 21 decembrie 2011



36 Social Media Sharing Resources for Business People

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:18 AM PST


Sharing is the key activity when it comes to proper social media participation and beyond. When you don't share anything on the web today, you can't compete with those who do. They get all the attention, links and ultimately sales or whatever they are after.

  • So where are we sharing online?
  • How do you actually share?
  • What tools help you with sharing?

I compiled a list of 36 Social Media sharing resources that cover a variety of content types, such as how to articles, statistics, tools for business people.

How to share

Most people, it seems, have lost the ability to share. Instead, business social media users in particular tend promote themselves. They have to learn that on social media you don't promote yourself directly but you share instead. You share content provided by others.



Some statistics show that most sharing online still gets done via e-mail, as in the early days of the web before social media. Facebook comes first or second, depending on the source. Google+ or automated sites such as StumbleUpon, which claim to bring more social media traffic, are far less important than you might think judging from the press they get. Some social media statistics show much more detailed insights into how sharing is going on.



Most statistics and other social media related data tends to be a bit overwhelming. Some social media infographic do a great job at visualising what's going on and putting things into perspective.



Beyond the usual suspects everybody uses, i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, there are lots of tools out there that can simplify, streamline and analyse your social media activity. I won't add the numerous  social media analytics tools, but only those focusing on sharing.



Facebook is still the number one when it comes to social media or rather social networking. It has added numerous features and manifold changes recently. Using Facebook to share is already a science of its own. Especially dealing with the Facebook algorithm that decides who sees your shares is intriguing and complex to say the least.


Google+ has received lots of attention, especially compared with its real size. Google is too omnipresent to let Plus fail. Thus I'd like to show you how Google adds features strategically to get the social ranking signals it needs, because clearly Google+ is not just a Facebook competitor but part of a bigger plan to get people to stay and share in Google’s own eco system.

All these resources will help you to plan and practice sharing on the social Web, the most basic part of your social media presence. Without sharing you don't have such a real presence - you may practice customer service on social sites but as long as you don't share anything beyond your own content you're just doing promotion without truly participating.


* CC image by ryancr

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