luni, 9 ianuarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 05:32 PM PST

Democratic presidential candidate Vermin Supreme put on quite a show at the Lesser-Known Democratic Candidates Presidential Forum in New Hampshire on Dec 19, 2011. The man promises a tooth brushing law, a pony for every American and "harnessing the awesome power of zombies."

He has my vote! And yes, that's a boot on his head.

What Happens When You Give Kids a White Room and Thousands Of Stickers

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 03:32 PM PST

Ever wonder what would happen if you gave your kids thousands of stickers and complete freedom?

These pictures are from a beautiful interactive piece called The Obliteration Room by Yakoi Kusama at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane where over the course of two weeks children who visited were given thousands of coloured dot stickers and were invited to collaborate in the transformation of the space.

The exhibit site reads:
Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama is one of the most significant and influential artists working today. When she was a small girl she started seeing the world through a screen of tiny dots. They covered everything she saw – the walls, ceilings and even her own body. For 40 years she has made paintings, sculptures and photographs using dots to cover surfaces and fill rooms. Kusama calls this process 'obliteration,' which means the complete destruction of every trace of something.

As with many of Kusama's installations, the work is disarmingly simple in its elemental composition; however, it brilliantly exploits the framework of its presentation. The white room is gradually obliterated over the course of the exhibition, the space changing measurably with the passage of time as the dots accumulate as a result of thousands and thousands of collaborators.

Walk of Faith: Glass Sidewalk on a Mountain Cliff

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 03:11 PM PST

The Walk of Faith is the perfect name for one stunning stroll along the side of Zhangjiajie Tianmen mountain in China's Tianmen Mountain National Forest.

The path consists of a glass sidewalk through which daring tourists can see straight down the 4,690-foot cliff, and is just one of the amazing attractions in this national park located in China's Hunan Province, where visitors can also see the Tianmen Mountain Cableway, Tongtian Dadao (Avenue Leading to the Sky), Tianmen Cave, and Bonsai Garden on Air.

While not for the faint of heart, it would be one walk you'd never forget.

Left Vs. Right Brain - Which One Are You? [Infographic]

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 03:04 PM PST

If you ever wondered why you act the way you do, the answer may lie in which side of your brain you tend to use more. Allthough they're generalizations, popular theories suggest that right-brain people have different skills and preferences than those who are left-brain people. How do these differences impact you? Find out:

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: onlinecollege

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