vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Put Pork On Your Fork [Infographic]

Posted: 27 Jan 2012 01:38 PM PST

This infographic from Put Pork On Your Fork, that interestingly enough is in the shape of a pig, shows how we can improve our diets and eating habits to make ourselves feel better inside.

More Infographics.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Chinese Boy With Cat Like Eyes Can See In The Dark

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 10:57 PM PST

Meet Nong Youhui who has cat-like blue eyes and can see clearly in the dark. We first heard about him in 2009 but now a video report by China's CCTV has emerged online exploring the boy's phenomenal ability. Youhui lives in Dahua, southern China and according to the story, medical tests conducted in complete darkness show he can read perfectly without any light and sees clearly during the day. Hard to verify – it is China after all – but we are intrigued.

7 Famous Movies Recast With Cats

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 09:35 PM PST

You love movies; you love cats. Put them together, and you have cool movie posters. The movie site NextMovie, had a bit of fun by recasting 7 hit movies by replacing the pesky humans with cats in the starring role. Hilarious stuff.

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