miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012

[Fast Blog Finder] Find more blogs using advanced search tips!

If you follow my emails, you already know that to get the most relevant blogs, you should put your keywords in quotes: "your best keywords". But Fast Blog Finder provides you with much more capabilities that are often overlooked by most users.

Advanced search tactics may not be widely used but quite effective in getting more search results. You can find a few times more blogs indexed by Google and choose from that amount a couple of "gems" worth to submit your comments to.

Click here to see a complete Fast Blog Finder search cheat sheet:

When you run multiples searches for similar keywords, you may find the same blog posts showing in multiple lists. In Fast Blog Finder GOLD version you can exclude duplicate posts between different searches and have unique results in each list, without manual work!
Julia Gulevich
G-Lock Software

P.S Want to know how to auto-fill the comment submission form using the desired user profile? Or, how to check blogs for your approved comments and what green and red faces mean? The answers in the next email...

Company info:
G-Lock Software, Level 5, 369 Queen Street, Auckland, NZ.

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