vineri, 3 februarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Flying People in New York City

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 07:08 PM PST

In the last couple of weeks, New Yorkers may have noticed people flying over and around the Brooklyn Bridge. It turns out it was a publicity stunt designed by Thinkmodo for the the movie "Chronicle," which is due to release Feb. 3. In the movie, three teenage boys develop superpowers.

Mona Lisa Copy Painted By Leonardo Da Vinci's Student Discovered in Spain

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 03:34 PM PST

A copy of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, Mona Lisa, has been found in the vaults of the Spanish Prado museum, looking younger and more ravishing than the original (See picture above: original left, copy right). Museum officials said it was almost certainly painted by one of Leonardo da Vinci's apprentices alongside the master himself as he did the original.

Painted alongside the original, historians say it gives another insight into what the model for one of the world's most famous paintings actually looked like. The copy of the Mona Lisa features the same female figure, but had been covered over with black paint and varnish. Two years ago tests were done and restorers discovered something hidden under the black coat.

Via dailymail & thehistoryblog

Expert Mode Bathroom

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 03:29 PM PST

Hardcore gamers love expert mode because it provides them with such a challenge but no matter how good you are at aiming, I don't recommend trying out this advanced level especially if you ever have any ladies visit your home.

Via Neatorama & Game Over

Face Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:55 PM PST

The Face Slimmer Mouth Exercise Mouthpiece is a new Japanese gadget that if used correctly, will make your face tight and firm without the need of Botox injections or going under the knife. We are talking about movie star quality looks here without the need of a plastic surgeon.

It's basically a mouthpiece that looks like a huge pair of puffed-up, gigantic lips. To exercise your face, just pop it into your mouth and say loud vowel sounds again and again for three minutes every day.

The Face Slimmer Mouth Exercise Mouthpiece is made of silicone rubber and comes in red and retails for an insane $83!

The Walking Student Debt [Infographic]

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:31 PM PST

76% of young people surveyed believe it has gotten harder to afford college in the last five years. Only 21% of young people surveyed believe students graduate with a manageable amount of college loan debt. The average student debt of new college graduates in 2010 was $22,900 as compared to only $7,000 in 2000. In other words, the average student debt in 2010 is 47% more than in 2000, even when adjusted for inflation. Is this amount in your budget? This infographic from Top Colleges Online takes a look at student loans.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via: topcollegesonline

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