sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Sneak Peak at the Greatest Toy in the Universe

Posted: 10 Feb 2012 09:13 PM PST

Jaimie Mantzel is heralding this prototype robot as the "greatest toy in the universe." After watching the video below, you may actually agree with him.

Not only is this 6-legged robot remote control, it's central area can be fitted with several different projectile-shooting modules. The two shown are capable of firing discs great distances, or ping pong balls at varying angles. There also seems to be a dart module that isn't demonstrated.

The only problem is the six legged robot does not have a name, Jamie has reached out to the internet and is asking for suggestions. If he picks your name for the toy he will send you a free one.

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