miercuri, 22 februarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The End of the World! [infographic]

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 02:07 PM PST

We're living in the Last Days! But then, we're always living in the Last Days. Since ancient humans began recording their observations about the world, they've been making their guesses as to when it will end. Needless to say, everyone has been wrong so far.

This infographic, published by MyFreeEmailSearch.com, includes some of the most famous End of the World prediction fails from the past, and a few valid ones from scientists that we are still waiting for the conclusion of.

Pat The Cat

Posted: 21 Feb 2012 08:05 PM PST

Talk about being demanding! This Scottish Fold cat just can't get enough petting. Fortunately, when they're this cute, it's hard to say deny them anyway.

BoraBora: Sunshine in a Pill

Posted: 21 Feb 2012 05:16 PM PST

BoraBora is a design concept for a sunlight pill by Quentin Vaulot and Goliath Dyèvre of French design duo Vaulot&Dyèvre. The concept was part of the Miniflux exhibition by Gallery Tator for the 2011 Lyon Festival of Lights.
Moodiness, flaccid skin, looking dull, tendency to depression! You are obviously in lack of sunshine. Our range of supplements Kelvin Lumen restores the vitality you need. Sunset Laboratories offers a wide range of solar radiation, Borabora, the Maldives, Haiti and the Bahamas, ask your pharmacist. Read the instructions carefully. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This additional Solar should not totally replace natural exposure. Avoid abusive use.

Via: laughingsquid, designboom

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