marți, 20 martie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

People You Tend To Find At The Gym

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 03:56 PM PDT

We covered all types of people one might bump into at the gym. It is impossible to avoid these types of persons when going to a gym for some workout.

Via: 9Gag

The Logic of Online Lovin’: Does Online Dating Work? [infographic]

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 01:38 PM PDT

We've all seen the commercials showing happy couples who met via one of the many online dating sites. Perhaps you've even met your sweetie on one of these sites. With approximately 1,500 active dating sites in the U.S. and every site espousing their special formulas for matching people with their soulmates, it seems like it would be easy to find that special someone online.

But does online dating really make it easier to meet that one-and-only soulmate? Or is finding that special someone just a matter of being in the right place at the right time—and not necessarily online?

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via: mbaprograms

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