joi, 8 martie 2012

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The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, March 8, 2012


What is

President Obama promised he would “create a centralized Internet database of lobbying reports, ethics records, and campaign finance filings in a searchable, sortable, and downloadable format.”  Today, with the launch of, he’s delivering on that promise. takes an important step to increase transparency and accountability by making this information available and accessible in one central location. This is good for government and good for the American people.

Visit and give it a try.


In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

President Obama Announces $1 Billion Fund to Promote Energy Efficient Vehicles
President Obama visits the Tar Heel state to talk about ways his administration is taking an all-of-the-above approach to American energy.

Champions of Change: Honoring Mentors who Support America’s Entrepreneurs
These mentors are not only “paying it forward” – they are enabling countless American businesses to grow faster and create more jobs.

Commerce Dept. Promotes Internet Privacy Blueprint Overseas
In today’s Internet age, our world is no longer easily defined by national borders. Cameron F. Kerry, General Counsel of the Department of Commerce, explains the importance of finding ways to protect personal information while facilitating cross-border data flow.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

11:15 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:00 PM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

3:30 PM: The President hosts President John Evans Atta Mills of Ghana for a meeting

5:35 PM: The President and the First Lady have dinner with winners of a campaign contest Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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