duminică, 1 aprilie 2012

Huge, Amazing Changes at SEOmoz: A Documentary of My Success

Huge, Amazing Changes at SEOmoz: A Documentary of My Success

Huge, Amazing Changes at SEOmoz: A Documentary of My Success

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 03:14 PM PDT

Posted by Aaron Wheeler

My name is Aaron Wheeler and, up until a couple of weeks ago, I was the manager of the Help Team here at SEOmoz. Rand's been out of the office at conferences and I've decided it's time to make my move. I've been waiting for this moment for 2 years now, sitting idly by, watching SEOmoz use a bunch of robots to tell us about websites and links and the internets. Robots! Robots don't have brains or morals! How could they possibly find links? Build reports? I played the Portals. I know what happens when you let robots run things.

Needless to say, I've decided to make a few changes since Rand's been gone. Let's get these engineers off their robot-loving keisters and out into the world, finding links. Let's stop pretending a bunch of magical "computers" can somehow "build" you a report (they think they're human!). As part of my takeover, I've hired a personal, top-tier videographer, Nick Sayers, to document all of the amazing things I'm doing here. Watch and bask in the glory of the new SEOmoz!

Hope you enjoyed that! Let me know what you think about my new strategies in the comments below.

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