miercuri, 2 mai 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Portraits of Alien Abductees by Steven Hirsch

Posted: 02 May 2012 03:23 PM PDT

New York photographer Steven Hirsch has put together a number of portraits of Alien Abductees placed next to their hand-drawn images which are supposed to depict the details of the abduction. He visited this year's International UFO Conference to meet, photograph and interview people who avow close contact with extraterrestrials. He said:
'I don't want my audience to have any preconceptions about these people before they see my images and read their words.

'My interviews barely break the surface of what is going on in their lives ... or in their minds. I'm not an analyst, my questions are not intended to find answers but to allow people to tell us their stories.

Via: Dailymail

Incredibly Realistic Cardboard Sculptures by Chris Gilmour

Posted: 02 May 2012 11:42 AM PDT

British artist Chris Gilmour takes recycling to the next level. It may be hard to believe but these intricate sculptures are made entirely out of cardboard. Not only are his representational sculptures flawless in scale and form but they are made out of cheap cardboard that you would usually find in dumpsters. From cars, to motorcycles, and storage sheds to dentist chairs, Gilmour let's his mind wander, and let's his hands go to work.

How Much Does It Really Cost to Raise a Kid? [Infographic]

Posted: 02 May 2012 10:43 AM PDT

Everyone knows that it's expensive to raise a kid. Just how expensive is it to raise a child? The real price tag on raising a child from birth to 18 is pretty staggering- it may be far more than you ever expected it to be. Each child that you raise will cost more than buying three brand new, 2011 Jaguar XFs.

Click image to see a larger version.

Via: Visual Economics

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