marți, 22 mai 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Internet In 2015 Is The Down Of The Zettabyte Era [Infographic]

Posted: 22 May 2012 11:09 AM PDT

Today we live in a world of petabytes and exabytes but according to the latest findings from the Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI), we'll need to add the term "zettabyte" to our vocabulary by 2015.

So, how much exactly is a zettabyte?

A zettabyte is roughly 1000 exabytes. To place that amount of volume in more practical terms, an exabyte alone has the capacity to hold over 36,000 years worth of HD quality video…or stream the entire Netflix catalog more than 3,000 times. A zettabyte is equivalent to about 250 billion DVDs.

The infographic below is an excellent representation of how much internet will grow in 2015?

The credit goes to Cisco who compiled these excellent stats into an amazing infographic.

Click image to see a larger version.

Via Cisco

Russian Teens Film Their Insane Bridge Climb Above Russky Island Bridge

Posted: 21 May 2012 08:55 PM PDT

19-year-old photographer Vitaly Raskalov and two friends climbed the Zolotoy Rog Bridge in Vladivostok, Russia. The next day, they climbed the even higher Russky Island Bridge. Not surprisingly, these kids were arrested and fined after posting the evidence of their escapade atop the Russky Island Bridge. The fine was the equivalent of ten U.S. dollars, but perhaps the fine dished out by Mom and Dad was more appropriate.

Via The Moscow Times

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