miercuri, 23 mai 2012

Watch a Concert at the White House

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Watch a Concert at the White House

Over the past several years, dozens of musicians and performers have come to perform at the White House in celebration of American musical culture.

We've put together a brand new collection of those performances, from Paul McCartney to John Legend, and now you can watch them all in one place.

Check out all the videos on WhiteHouse.gov/Performances:

Watch all the performances

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Wanted: A Few Good Women and Men to Serve as Presidential Innovation Fellows
A new initiative will bring top innovators from outside government for focused “tours of duty” with our best federal innovators on game-changing projects.

White House Hangout: Small Business Week with SBA Administrator Karen Mills
Today at 3:00 p.m. EDT, Administrator Karen Mills will host a Google+ Hangout and answer your questions about small businesses.

Number of the Day: 82 years
In the year since the storm, more than 126,800 individuals put in some 755,300 hours of community service in the Joplin area.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

7:00 AM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

7:15 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Colorado Springs, Colorado

10:40 AM: The President arrives Colorado Springs, Colorado

12:00 PM: The President delivers the commencement address at the United States Air Force Academy WhiteHouse.gov/live

3:30 PM: The President departs Colorado Springs en route Denver, Colorado

5:00 PM: The President arrives Denver, Colorado

5:35 PM: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event

6:35 PM: The President departs Denver, Colorado en route Mountain View, California

6:45 PM: The Vice President hosts a reception for leaders of labor organizations

9:10 PM: The President arrives Mountain View, California

10:20 PM: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event

12:10 AM: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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