sâmbătă, 26 mai 2012

Weekly Address: Honoring Our Fallen Heroes this Memorial Day

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, May 26, 2012


Weekly Address: Honoring Our Fallen Heroes this Memorial Day

President Obama pays tribute to our men and women in uniform who have died in service to our country.

Watch the President's weekly address:

Weekly Address May 25, 2012

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address to the nation in the Map Room of the White House, May 25, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Weekly Wrap Up

Your quick look at this week on Whitehouse.gov:

An Affront to American Values: At the Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Security President Obama addressed how world hunger does not receive the attention it deserves from the global community, including our own nation. He mentions that, "When tens of thousands of children when tens of thousands of children die from the agony of starvation, as in Somalia, that sends us a message we've still got a lot of work to do. It's unacceptable. It's an outrage. It's an affront to who we are."

G8 Summit: This past weekend the U.S. hosted leaders from the eight largest nation's in terms of economy at Camp David in Chicago. At this summit, world leaders held conversations about world hunger, as well as on the priority of growth in jobs in the world economy.

The Final Chapters: President Obama participated in the International Security Assistance Force meeting on Afghanistan, with more than 60 countries where he reiterated that troubles in Afghanistan were not over, but that serious progress has been made towards solving issues with Al Qaeda.

Resilience in the Face of Tragedy: Then President Obama made his way to Joplin, Missouri to attend the town's high school graduation. This visit nearly coincided to the day with the one year anniversary of the tornado that devastated the town. President Obama remarked on how the spirit of Joplin was commendable, and a testament that the American people are in it together, even in the toughest of times.

The Future of Energy: President Obama's last stop this week landed him in Newton, Iowa where TPI Composites manufactures wind turbine blades. Here he restated the importance of cleaner, renewable energy and pushed Congress to act on his To-Do-List. "If Congress doesn't act, companies like this one will take a hit," he said. "Jobs will be lost. That's not a guess, that's a fact. We can't let that happen." The President followed up this talk up with a session of live tweeting to people, answering thier questions in less than 140 characters.

West Wing Week: Your video guide to everything that's happened this week at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Watch here

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