marți, 26 iunie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Ultimate Muscle Building Guide for Beginners [Infographic]

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 12:50 PM PDT

For beginners, there are a few really big mistakes that occur when it comes to building muscle. Hardly anyone ever gets started on the right foot, at least initially.

For many, a first attempt to build muscle means thumbing through the latest bodybuilding magazine and picking the 6-day body part split being promoted by the cover model.

The problem with this approach is that these routines for building muscle (aka hypertrophy) are far too advanced and unnecessary for the budding beginner and most won't need a routine like that for a long time, if ever to reach their muscle building goals.

So here's the JCD Fitness Muscle Building Guide For Beginners, by JC Deen and Jordan Syatt.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Starry Night - Vincent van Dominogh

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:33 PM PDT

Domino artist FlippyCat recreated the iconic Van Gogh painting Starry Night in dominoes -7,000 of them! Watching the build process is a real treat, although I'm glad it was sped up.

Coolest Hybrid Animals

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:12 PM PDT

What's your favorite animal: lions or tigers? What's cooler: horses or zebras? Stop! Why choose one over the other when you can have both at the same time? We're talking about hybrid animals, animals of a same genus but different species producing offspring. Some of these animals you may already know, but others may surprise you.

Zebra + Equine= Zebroid

Lion + Tiger= Liger

Buffalo + Cow= Beefalo

Camel + Llama= Cama

Leopard + Lion = Leopon

Serval + Domestic Cat = Savannah

Donkey + Zebra = Donkra

African Serval + The Asian Leopard Cat + Domestic House Cat = Ashera

Polar Bear + Brown Bear = Grizzly Polar

Sheep + Goat = Toast of Botswana

Midas Cichild + Red Devil fish = Blood parrot

Golden + Amherst Pheasant = Hybrid Pheasant

Dog + Wolf = Wolf Dog

Domestic Tamworth Pig + Wild Boar = Iron Age Pig

Bottlenose Dolphin + False Killer Whale = Wolphin

Bengal Cat + Ocicat = Cheetoh

Yak + Domestic Cow = Dzo

Zebra + Horse = Zorse

Bengal Cat + Tabby Cat = Toyger

St. Bernard + Basset Hound = St. Basset Hound

Expectations VS Reality: Cell Phone Pictures

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:45 PM PDT

Cell phone cameras always take pictures that do not match our expectations at all, and here are the most disappointing examples everyone can relate.

Via Buzzfeed

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