joi, 28 iunie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Bowser Beer for Dogs

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 01:50 PM PDT

Bowser Beer is a special micro-brew crafted and bottled just for dogs. The Minnesota-based company behind the beer, 3 Busy Dogs, was started by Jenny Brown who concocted the malty brew in 2007. The beer is safe for dogs, as it contains no alcohol, carbonation or harmful hops. Dogs can enjoy the two meaty flavors offered: Cock-a-Doodle-Brew (chicken) or Beefy Brown Ale (beef).

Custom Stormtrooper Head Lawn Chair

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 01:36 PM PDT

This unique Stormtrooper head lawn chair is the work of the GotWood Workshop. However, there's some disappointing news for those hoping to get one of their own. According to their Facebook page, the chair was strictly a test project and cannot be replicated for sale due to copyright infringement.

Via Geekologie

T-Shirt Culture Index [Infographic]

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 01:18 PM PDT

Custom t-shirt company Fibers has charted some popular t-shirt stereotypes in their T-Shirt Culture Index.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

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