luni, 16 iulie 2012

It's time to keep the conversation going

The White House Monday, July 16, 2012

It's time to keep the conversation going

If we're going to get traction for President Obama's proposal to help responsible homeowners refinance their mortgages, we need to make sure as many people get the facts as possible.

That's why we recently organized a discussion between Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan and a group of homeowners from across the country to talk about the President's plan.

And now, we want to keep the conversation going.

So take a moment to watch these homeowners describe their situations to Secretary Donovan, then share your own story.

In the past month, we've received tens of thousands of messages from Americans who support President Obama's proposal. We have shared them with advisors to the President, published them on, and posted them to Twitter and Facebook.

Again and again, the facts of their stories are the same. We're hearing from people who've done everything right, who have made their payments on time each month, and who are locked out of lower payments through no fault of their own.

They want a refinancing process that's simpler. And if we can get a vote in Congress, that's exactly what President Obama's proposal will give them.

But we are running out of time.

So add your voice to the discussion now, and help us bring this issue to the top of the agenda. We'll feature stories on, and make sure they're part of the conversation here in Washington:


P.S. -- Watch the full Google+ Hangout with Secretary Donovan here.

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