joi, 23 august 2012

brightonSEO Sponsorship & Ticket Giveaway

brightonSEO Sponsorship & Ticket Giveaway

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brightonSEO Sponsorship & Ticket Giveaway

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 04:59 AM PDT

Image of Brighton SEO from

SEOptimise is really pleased to announce that we're sponsoring brightonSEO this year. Since we started in 2007 we have really enjoyed being part of the SEO community, and this sponsorship opportunity gives us a chance to give something small back in helping Kelvin keep the conference free.

As one of the main events in the UK SEO calendar, and now running twice a year, brightonSEO really is a must-attend event, which always delivers on both content and fun. The tickets for this years event went in an hour and considering that the number of tickets has nearly doubled, it's even more impressive.

From this year's event I wanted to highlight some of the things that I'm looking forward to (Kelvin did prompt me a little, but it's been good looking through what's happening):

Firstly the training workshops

Although I can't make it, the Microformats, Schema & Rich Snippets training from Richard Baxter is my highlight, with this area only set to become more important, this session should give you the information you need to start implementing, or improve your implementation of semantic markup.  Kelvin has also offered a 15% discount for my session selection so just use the code seoptimise15.

There is also the Advanced Google Analytics training by Dara Fitzgerald. With the plethora of online data and the ever increasing acquisition channels at the disposal of today's marketers, it's becoming increasingly important for channel practitioners to track, measure, and analyse the real value of their activities. I'm sure Dara's session will deliver some great content for those looking to get the most out of their Google analytics setup.

Finally, I have to mention Kevin's content marketing workshop. Some of you might know that Kevin used to work with us and I'm sure he will deliver some interesting insights and some very practical methodologies into content marketing and how you could develop a comprehensive content marketing strategy.

The Conference

For the conference some highlights that I'm looking forward to include Richard Baxter (again!) with 'How to be a better SEO'. We work very hard at SEOptimise on personal development for all staff as, in an industry that is constantly evolving, it's essential to embrace life-long learning, so I'm hoping to gain some insight into how Richard does this too.

Rebecca Weeks' talk on 'Chasing the algorithm' is another one I'm looking forward to. It's a subject that does get covered and we all know that long-term strategies are the way forward, but Rebecca is looking at this from a slightly different angle and including a case study, which will, I'm sure, offer great insight in how to balance budget, client expectations and results.

Berian Reed from Auto Trader's talk on what he's learnt from working on a site the size of Auto Trader and how he has dealt with the recent algorithm updates will certainly be extremely useful. I'm looking forward to hearing how Berian formulated, implemented and took steps to 'future proof' their SEO strategy.

Tom Anthony's API talk will be interesting; the use of API's is an area that seems to be constantly moving forward, and I'm anticipating some innovative and different ideas for the use of API's.

I'm also looking forward to 7 things you need to know about Mobile SEO by Aleyda Solis. Everyone in the office who has heard Aleyda speak mention the great content and delivery of her talks, so I'm anticipating another good one here.

I've only selected a couple of highlights, but I have to say that the line-up for this brightonSEO looks brilliant, and credit has to go to Kelvin for putting this together and keeping it free!

We also have 5 tickets to giveaway for brightonSEO, winners will be selected at random from those people who tweet/retweet this post – be sure to tag us (@seoptimise) in your tweets/retweets - or leave a comment that you would like to enter the competition. Winners will be notified by the 31st August. (Ts & Cs apply)

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Related posts:

  1. BrightonSEO 2012 Interview with Kelvin Newman
  2. BrightonSEO 2011 Roundup: who said what and why
  3. Glenn Jones on Microformats and SEO – BrightonSEO

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