miercuri, 29 august 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Jump Man - 5 Year Daily Photo Project

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 03:33 PM PDT

Mike has spent the past five years taking at least one photo of himself a day to create his ongoing video project Jump Man. He snapped his first photo on August 25, 2007 and published the first five years, which he refers to as his first phase, on August 25, 2012. Mike plans to complete his Jump Man project by the end of 2013. Say cheese, Mike!

30 Funniest Wedding Photobombs

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 11:51 AM PDT

There's nothing like a photo of Uncle Lester lurking in the background while the bride and groom share a passionate first kiss, right? Presented below is a collection of 30 best Big Day photobombs around.

Skywatching with a Homemade Telescope

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 08:47 AM PDT

One guy built his own telescope and takes pictures with it, here are a few of them.




Looking in the door

Horsehead Nebula in Orion

Cone Nebula in Monoceros

Dumbbell nebula in Vulpecula

Globular Cluster M-3 in Canes Venatici

Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

Galaxy M-81 and M-82 in Ursa Major

Great Nebula in Orion

Pleiades cluster in Taurus

Galaxy NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis

Albireo in Cygni (The Swan)

Via Reddit

Mugshots of Criminals from the 1930s

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 08:10 AM PDT

Mugshots of the criminals from 1930's.

Is College Getting Easier? [Infographic]

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 07:42 AM PDT

With college students spending less time hitting the books than their '60s counterparts, but earning higher grades, the question begs to be asked whether a college education is getting easier, the standards are getting lower or technology is increasing the efficiency of today's students?

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via: OnlineColleges.net

Clever Bird Goes Fishing

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 08:09 PM PDT

Give a bird some bread and he'll eat for a day, teach a bird to fish and he'll end up on youtube. This Green Heron shows some real learning behavior. It actually feeds bread to fish to catch it. The method succeeds, a true testimony to bird cognition. The most amazing is, it seems to be hungry but does not eat the bread like the surrounding Ibises do.

Internet's Reaction to the Botched "Ecce Homo" Painting

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:50 PM PDT

The internet had some fun with Botched Ecce Homo Painting, the meme that has sprung up in light of an elderly Spanish woman's un-commissioned painting restoration attempt.

The orginal photo:

Side Effects of Hot Summer

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:23 PM PDT

It has been quite a hot summer, I think..

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