joi, 13 septembrie 2012

Psychographics Deconstructed: What We Look Like to Facebook Marketers

Psychographics Deconstructed: What We Look Like to Facebook Marketers

Psychographics Deconstructed: What We Look Like to Facebook Marketers

Posted: 12 Sep 2012 07:58 PM PDT

Posted by aimClear

For those of you who were at this year's MozCon, this post is the punch line to my presentation (download it here). If you did not attend, here’s what happened: I spoke for about an hour about Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn targeting. I worked to explain that research using paid social ad creation tools (including FB Ads) matters to organic social (community management) - the same way that the AdWords keyword research tool matters to organic search (SEO).  After my talk, something like 800 people in the audience sort of looked up as if to say, “WTF is Marty talking about!?” Thankfully, Rand came out at the end and asked some smart questions that helped clarify. Then, we had a fireside chat.  

Rand said he sensed that what we’d been discussing was really important and, by way of a live interview, totally brought the room to the heart of the matter. It was a remarkable experience, and why that needed to happen makes so much sense to me. This stuff is hard to explain and, honestly, I’ve had mixed results when presenting it. Rand was right. It really got me thinking.

By the end of the impromptu session, nearly all of those incredibly beautiful Mozzers raised their hands to say they seemed to understand. What blew my mind is that since then, I’ve received at least 20 tweets, calls, emails, and LinkedIn direct messages in which MozCon attendees expressed that the presentation changed their outlook on marketing forever. That has been confusing and exciting all at once. Thus, this post. 

Upon reflection, we at aimClear put our collective heads together and brainstormed a way to express the concept of the “whole” user, targeted by Psychographics. “Psychographics” is a means of identifying users by interests, occupations, roles in life, predilections, and other personal characteristics. It’s like demographic research and persona modeling on to the Nth degree… hence the “psycho.” I decided to use myself as an example. Keep the following types of Facebook interest/product associations in mind as you peruse the infographic below, and use them as jumping boards for your own psychographic targeting explorations.

  • I (Marty) am susceptible to buy Ben Taylor songs, because I have loved his dad’s (James Taylor) music since I was a boy.
  • Marketers have a great shot at selling me exclusive foodie experiences because my social graph indicates I’m interested in James Beard award winning restaurants.
  • I’m a terrific target for Chanukah candles in November, because I love the old City of Jerusalem.
  • Rand can pique my interests with one of Joanna’s great ads, because I like Danny Sullivan.
  • Republicans should not spew-market content in my direction. Instead, they should work to subtly subvert my instincts. I like Barack Obama.
  • Hotels, airport transportation, and Broadway shows may interest me, because of my Javits Convention Center proclivity. It’s worth testing.
  • You might be able to get me to buy self-help books, because I sometimes suck my thumb when I sleep.

Anyway, you get the picture. We chose Facebook for this study because it has the most complete social graph (best data) in all of publically available social. While all interests below were pulled as actual inventory in Facebook, there are likely a number of permutations for each interest to round out each interest bucket. Also, what you see below can easily be mapped to YouTube and LinkedIn. Grab my MozCon slidedeck and this all might just make a bit more sense.

Key Takeaways from the Infographic

  1. There has been a radical top-of-the-funnel shift. People can be sliced and targeted many different ways in social channels.
  2. Social intent can be often gleaned. Sometimes it works in amazing ways, like search.
  3. The “data” on the table is publically available via Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube or Google. Leverage the tools made for marketers (native keyword tools, ads creators, etc.) to assess inventory for your segments.
  4. On that note: keyword research (using AdWords KW Tool) is to SEO as social PPC research is to community management. You would never do SEO without having a look at Google’s KW tool. It makes sense as AdWords is one of the places we can find out about Google’s inventory. You would also never do community management without looking at associated paid inventory.
  5. The psychographic research artist adds value to raw channel-of-origin data by curation. In other words, if you’re the marketer who can target all the molecular biologists in the United States who work for Fortune 500 companies, you’ve added a lot of value to the raw data. Now your team can target these users for social PPC ads and organic social interaction.
  6. Use the correct tagging, and marketers can capture social data to associate with known-users’ profiles. Pretty much the best way to bust your privacy is to click on one of my tagged ads and convert. Count on the fact that we grabbed the data and associated it with your profile.

Thanks, Mozzers. It was a pleasure to meet you in Seattle. I saw plenty of old friends and made new ones. See ya in the comment threads!

Infographic designed by Quentin Oliver, co-produced by Lauren Litwinka, additional research by Gretchen Egeberg.
Fireside chat image by Rudy Lopez.

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September Mozscape Update is Live: Fresh, New Link Data for All!

Posted: 12 Sep 2012 11:33 AM PDT

Posted by randfish

The Big Data Team at Moz has had one of the hardest periods to date producing an index (and we've had some nightmarish doozies in the past). In June, after our funding from Foundry & Ignition, we started running 4 simultaneous indices on Amazon while also starting to set up our new hybrid (our processing and Amazon storage) cloud data center in Virginia. This tactic mostly worked until August, when we had 4 indices collapse on us due to a high rate of Amazon EC2 disk failures. Naturally, this makes us want to move off the cloud more quickly, and it also meant our bill was higher than ever - nearly $700,000.

But, despite those 4 lost indices, today we have one that survived. It's now available through Open Site Explorer, the Mozbar, the PRO web app campaigns, and the API.

Here are the metrics for this latest index:

  • 64,023,562,478 (64 billion) URLs
  • 1,282,691,523 (1.2 billion) Subdomains
  • 148,634,588 (148 million) Root Domains
  • 651,894,828,133 (651 billion) Links
  • Followed vs. Nofollowed 2.28% of all links found were nofollowed
    • 55.53% of nofollowed links are internal
    • 44.47% are external
  • Rel Canonical - 13.74% of all pages now employ a rel=canonical tag
  • The average page has 71 links on it
    • 60.74 internal links on average
    • 10.87 external links on average

And the following correlations with Google's US search results:

  • Page Authority - 0.34
  • Domain Authority - 0.24
  • MozRank - 0.20
  • Linking Root Domains - 0.24
  • Total Links - 0.20
  • External Links - 0.24
The Big Data Team knows you want fresher and larger indices and they have been dedicating all their time trying to deliver. To that end, we have moved to Amazon’s new crazy-fast cluster compute machines that have 6 times the computing power we have now, allowing us to reduce the hardware needed to process! It should mean fewer failures due to fewer boxes required to run the processing cluster. We are also continuing down the path of standing up our own hardware in our cloud data center in Virginia. Huge thanks to the team for aggressively working on the processing and on our own solution.
As always, we appreciate and look forward to your feedback!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

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