joi, 25 octombrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Pool Fails Compilation 2012 [Video]

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 11:15 AM PDT

The best (most painful) swimming pool fails of the year, all in one video.

Hot Girls of the Electric Daisy Carnival 2012

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 10:15 AM PDT

300,000 fans gathered at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway for Electric Daisy Carnival 2012. The EDC is an international annual electronic dance music festival held in the summertime in the United States and Puerto Rico.

Shishi-Maru Cat is the Star of Instagram

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 09:50 AM PDT

Shishi-Maru is a Scottish fold cat, which means he has a gene mutation that makes his ears bend forward and down. This cute cat has become an internet sensation!

32 Childhood Crushes Then And Now

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 09:13 AM PDT

There's nothing like your first celebrity crush. You probably developed a love for them before you even formed a love for boys you actually knew and their posters covered every inch of your wall despite your parents protests. So, do you still have the hots for them?

Via Buzzfeed

Music in the Cloud [Infographic]

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 08:44 AM PDT

Much like the Rock n Roll Hall of Game, the cloud music scene is full of rockstars with unique 'personalities.' This infographic takes account of which cloud music service has no ads, offers no ads with payments, has a mobile app, is usable offline, allows you full library access and also includes the number of songs they have in their service, users and just how much it'll cost you to be a member.

Click on Image to Enlarge.


The Science of Dogs

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 08:33 AM PDT

This comic is most likely based on personal experience with dogs, and we can all agree its conclusions are valid. And we love them anyway.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via thedoghousediaries

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