luni, 10 decembrie 2012

6 people you might know on Google+

Hi Mihai!
Here are some people you might know on Google+.
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                  The Largest Man-Made Marina In The World
The vision of Dubai Marina is to create an awe-inspiring city-within-a city that delights residents with its cosmopolitan, free-spirited atmosphere and unique, invigorating lifestyle. It will be an urban centre on the water, comparable to the most exclusive waterfront developments in the world's leading cities. Dubai Marina is unlike anywhere else in Dubai, the Middle East and even the world.
YouTube: World Largest man made Marina Dubai
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Police are concerned with the iOS6 Maps

... after it started leading people to the middle of a National Park, leaving them stranded without food or water for 24 hours.

Who gets all the way to the middle of a National Park before realizing their map is wrong? Then again...

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+776 - 204 comments - 153 sharesView or comment on this post »
We do so much with our smartphones, why not be able to answer the front door with them too? A new product called Doorbot is a Wi-Fi-enabled doorbell that alerts you whenever someone pushes its button, sending audio and video to your smartphone:

Would you use this at your home?
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