vineri, 14 decembrie 2012

What Separates a "Good" Outreach Email from a "Great" One? - Whiteboard Friday

What Separates a "Good" Outreach Email from a "Great" One? - Whiteboard Friday

What Separates a "Good" Outreach Email from a "Great" One? - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 04:51 PM PST

Posted by randfish

Outreach emails are sent for a variety of reasons, but the majority have one thing in common: they're structured too poorly to merit a reply. For every group of outreach emails we receive, usually only a few are worth opening.

However, creating "good" emails may not be the toughest part. To inspire a response, you have to get to "great." But what makes a great outreach email stand out from its "good" competitors? 

Today, Rand walks us through what it takes to create a great outreach email and gives his tips on making sure your next outreach goes into the "great" pile rather than into the trash.


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