joi, 17 ianuarie 2013

Get a jump on 2013 with the latest from Google Analytics

Get a jump on 2013 with the latest from Google Analytics
  Google Analytics  

December / January Product Update


This month's Google Analytics updates include feature improvements to In-Page Analytics, mobile measurement trends, updates to Google Tag Manager and an enterprise analytics case study. Access Analytics »

Track links better with in-page Analytics improvements

In-Page Analytics provides clickthrough data in the context of your site and is an effective tool to analyse your pages and optimise your content. Previously, In-Page Analytics was limited to showing clickthrough information by URL, but not by the actual link on the page, and was displaying information on links but not on other elements like buttons. We have announced a new feature that solves these issues and takes In-Page Analytics to the next level. Learn more.

Make mobile central to your strategy in 2013

We conducted research to learn how marketers around the world are approaching mobile marketing and measurement, and where it's headed next. Mobile is no longer an add-on to a campaign, and for many it's even becoming a central focus. For example, 87% of marketers are planning to increase emphasis on mobile during 2013, and belief in the power of mobile is rapidly growing stronger. Learn more about our research and visit The Mobile Playbook for ideas to help you get started.

Tag your site more easily
with Google Tag Manager's
built-in templates

Google Tag Manager lets you add and update your website tags (including analytics, conversion tracking, remarketing and more), easily and for free, and without bugging the IT folks. One of the most useful features is the ability to add new tags to your site using a tag template instead of copying and pasting code. We've made tagging even easier with several new built-in tag templates. Just add a few key details to the template, and Google Tag Manager will automatically generate the correct code. Learn more.

Learn how Gilt embraces Analytics for predictive modeling

More than a year ago, we launched Google Analytics Premium to better meet the needs of enterprise users. A recent case study from Gilt shows how Google Analytics Premium has helped their company embrace data across teams, leverage the increased number of custom variables to power their predictive modeling, and use unsampled data. Read their story [PDF].

Thank you for reading our monthly update. Don't forget to share your thoughts with us through the feedback link below, and tell us what you'd like to see in future updates.

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Happy analyzing,
The Google Analytics Team

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