miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

5 Must-Use Tips for Food Bloggers

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:46 AM PST

Blogging about food has become extremely popular, and if you love trying out new restaurants or whipping up special recipes in the kitchen, then food blogging may be a good idea for you. Some people who are interested in food blogging are overwhelmed with what to talk about or where...
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Effective Business Marketing On The Facebook Timeline Feature

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 04:47 AM PST

Confused about using the new profile on Facebook,Timeline? While the look and feel of the new profile might have kept you excited, it is obvious that most of us are unsure about its usage, especially businesspersons who have been using Facebook as an intrinsic part of their marketing strategy. The...
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Adding Value When Marketing on Community Websites

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 04:29 AM PST

When you own a social network, you get a unique perspective on people's behavior, to say the least. The people who come are either passing through, die-hards or there just to market themselves. The marketers seem to love testing the limits to see how far they can go with promoting...
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How to boost your engagement with consumers

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 02:39 AM PST

New digital platforms have ushered in an era of unprecedented opportunity for marketers, but in this brave new world, it’s not simply about the numbers. Engagement is king on the web and creating genuine advocates is the holy grail of online marketing. So how can you boost your engagement and...
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7 Highly Effective Web Video Marketing Tips

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 01:08 AM PST

Web video marketing helps you introduce products and services, offer practical guides, and provide an insider's view of your business to customers, increasing awareness of your brand. However, to be effective, video marketing needs to be done properly. Here are a few essential tips you should consider. Keep your videos...
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2013 Online Marketing Opportunities that you Might Have Missed in 2012

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 09:48 PM PST

It is no surprise that the amount of money spent on online advertising is predicting to grow in 2013. Online advertising is one of the few platforms where growth has remained consistent for more than 5 years. What is surprising is that digital marketers and global giants are focusing on...
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