duminică, 27 ianuarie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

Five Must Have Apps For The Proactive Freelancer

Posted: 27 Jan 2013 11:38 AM PST

  The days where one could simply pick up a job, write, pick up a paycheque, and then pick up another job are long gone. Now it's up to the freelancer to find their jobs, organise their electronic data, market themselves, and do this all whilst working on any existing...
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Interpersonal skills | Most required to create a good social network

Posted: 26 Jan 2013 10:31 PM PST

To interact with the people socially we need some skills which are known as Interpersonal skills. These are the set of rules applied to interact effectively with persons. Interpersonal skills play a very important role in one's life if he wants to be succeeding in an organization. These are essential...
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