miercuri, 9 ianuarie 2013

Your Victory

The White House, Washington

Hello --

I'll tell you what keeps driving me every day: the knowledge that people like you have our backs.

When President Obama asked you to make your voices heard to keep taxes from going up on the middle class, people from all over the country, folks in every state spoke out. More than 130,000 of you sent in stories to the White House website. There were times these past few weeks when our Twitter feeds were positively overwhelmed by people joining the debate using the #My2k hashtag.

So we put your stories on the front page of the White House website. We asked you to stand behind the President when he laid out his position on this debate at the White House. The President went and met with one family who had shared their story. The Vice President sat down with another for lunch.

And people took notice. Reporters wrote stories about the way that you were adding your voices to this debate, and it became impossible to ignore your perspective.

That's how we got this thing done. 

So what's next? We know some people might be asking you questions about this agreement and what it includes, so we asked Brian Deese -- from the National Economic Council -- to explain what the deal means for the economy and how President Obama kept his word on his key economic priorities.

Check it out and share it with folks in your community:

Watch the video: White Board with Brian Deese




David Plouffe
Senior Advisor
White House

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