joi, 11 aprilie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Journey into North Korea

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 01:54 PM PDT

Photos of North Korea made by a foreign tourist. Tourists usually see only those things that Korean government wants them to see.

Via Reddit

Commuter's Funny Newspaper Photobombs

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 12:50 PM PDT

A bored commuter who works an early shift livens up his route by sneaking pictures of other commuters. A strategically folded newspaper and some careful positioning brings a world of entertainment into his yawn-riddled mornings.

Via shortlist

Emilia Clarke in the Game Of Thrones, Real Life and Without Makeup

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 10:28 AM PDT

Let's see what Emilia Clarke looks like in the Game of Thrones, in real life and in real life but without makeup. Quite interesting.

12 Things You Wish You'd Known Before You Took That Job [Infographic]

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 09:55 AM PDT

A recent management survey found that 85% of workers want to change jobs. While many people want to leave to find career advancement after a long recession, others want to escape untenable situations. How do you make sure that you will be happy in your next job?

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via Avid Careerist.

APRIL FOOL'S PRANK: The Audition [Video]

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 07:16 PM PDT

This year, for April Fools, the guys from BlackBoxTV had some innocent young women called in for auditions for a role in a film scared the bejesus out of.

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