joi, 4 aprilie 2013

It's Just Common Sense

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, April 4, 2013

It's Just Common Sense

President Obama was in Colorado yesterday and called on Congress to vote on a set of common-sense proposals to help reduce gun violence -- including closing loopholes in the background check system to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and others who shouldn't have access to them.

"Every day that we wait to do something about it, even more of our fellow citizens are stolen from our lives by a bullet from a gun," the President said.

Learn more about President Obama's common-sense proposals to help reduce gun violence.

A Common-Sense Proposal to Reduce Gun Violence

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Assessing and Addressing Community Health Needs - the Next Step in Protecting Patients
The Department of the Treasury today issued new rules that hold charitable hospitals to a higher standard when it comes to addressing the health needs in their communities. The proposed rules add details on how hospitals should conduct community health needs assessments and define how the IRS will enforce any violations of the new standards.

President Obama Meets with Prime Minister Lee of Singapore
In a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore, President Obama reaffirms his commitment to a secure and prosperous Asia-Pacific region.

Helping Americans on the Autism Spectrum Reach Their Full Potential
President Obama is committed to research, development of support services, and increased collaboration with advocates and family members in the autism community so that individuals across the autism spectrum can reach their full potential.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

1:25 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

3:25 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

4:40 PM: The President departs San Francisco, California

9:15 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

9:30 PM: The President arrives the White House

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