joi, 23 mai 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Drive Thru Zombie Headless Prank [Video]

Posted: 23 May 2013 11:23 AM PDT

With the help of his friend Ed Bassmaster, Rahat Hussein kicks his drive-thru headless driver prank up a notch, by dressing as a zombie and eating the headless guy's head.

Girl Can Rotate Her Leg 180 Degrees

Posted: 23 May 2013 10:40 AM PDT

Girl who survived cancer can now rotate leg 180 degrees. A young cancer survivor has wowed friends, family and now the internet with a quirky talent she recently revealed in the hopes of winning a contest on the Ellen Degeneres Show.

Jen O'Shea, can rotate her right leg a full 180 degrees with no pain or effort at all so that her foot is facing the ceiling.

How to Cook the Perfect Steak

Posted: 23 May 2013 10:31 AM PDT

Here is a guide to cook the perfect steak like the real man.

Cat Beards

Posted: 23 May 2013 09:37 AM PDT

Cat Beards is a purrrfect photo meme where people position their cat's chin in front of their own face and make it look as if they have a furry beard, mouth and all.

A Tourists Global Guide To Tipping [Infographic]

Posted: 23 May 2013 08:51 AM PDT

It's very common for people to travel to new parts of the world and not be completely aware of the cultural differences in a range of circumstances. The data in this infographic by Loving Apartments Infographics aims to make it easier for people who are willing to be kind and open-handed with their cash but are not completely sure "if they need to tip" and "how much"?

Region to region the information below provides advice on how much to tip restaurants, hotels and taxis. Furthermore, there are some big "do's" and "do nots" with regards to tipping worldwide.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via lovingapartments

Game On

Posted: 23 May 2013 08:36 AM PDT

This why we love games. Or don't.

The Secret of Elegance [Video]

Posted: 23 May 2013 07:51 AM PDT

Elegance is what you are, not what you wear: with this video, Kocca celebrates spontaneous and genuine women, that enliven any look with their unique personality.

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