miercuri, 31 iulie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Floating Picnic Table

Posted: 31 Jul 2013 09:01 AM PDT

Build it yourself floating picnic table.

Via imgur

The Danger of Scuba Diving

Posted: 31 Jul 2013 08:47 AM PDT

Kristy and her fiance Ryan went scuba diving in Belize. The girl did something wrong and her face looked nasty afterwards.

Interesting Facts about Different Countries

Posted: 31 Jul 2013 08:42 AM PDT

Let's learn something new about our planet today.

Via myscienceacademy.org

The History of Gun Laws [Infographic]

Posted: 31 Jul 2013 07:57 AM PDT

This shooting.org infographic shows that nearly all major gun control acts throughout history have been in response to violent historical events where Americans were harmed by others using firearms. The infographic was created "to raise awareness of an issue important to us and millions of other Americans."…to essentially, "help protect our rights."

Click on Image to Enlarge.

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