joi, 11 iulie 2013

Don't let this get lost in the hubbub


Hi, all --

Here's one of the best things about immigration reform: It's going to make our economy a lot stronger.

Sometimes important facts like this get lost in the hubbub of the debate. So, to make sure folks understand just why immigration reform will make our economy stronger, we put together this really wonderful video showing exactly how it works -- how fixing our broken system will create jobs, boost wages, and foster innovation. I know, a video explaining public policy doesn't exactly scream cool ( kind of does to me) but this one is different. It's something you've never seen from us before, and it's definitely worth your time.

So check it out, then share it to help spread the message.

Check out this video on comprehensive immigration reform.

Not enough people are talking about the economic benefits of immigration reform, but it's exactly the conversation that will help us win the national debate on this issue.

We need people to know that the legislation the Senate just passed represents the best chance that we've had in years to strengthen our economy by securing our borders and creating a way for 11 million people to come out of the shadows and earn citizenship.

But it's going to take all of us working together to make sure that everyone gets the facts.

So will you take a minute to watch this video, then pass it along?



Cecilia Muñoz
Director, Domestic Policy Council
The White House


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