vineri, 12 iulie 2013

Go Behind the Scenes This Week

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Go Behind the Scenes This Week

This week, the First Lady hosted the second Annual Kids' State Dinner, while the President laid out his vision for building a better, smarter, faster government. He also awarded the 2012 National Medals of Arts and Humanities, met with the Congressional Black and Congressional Hispanic Caucuses, and honored the Washington Kastles and the 1963 Ramblers.

Click here to watch the latest installment of "West Wing Week."

Watch the West Wing Week or "Bring it On Brussels Sprouts Wrap!"

  Top Stories

White House White Board: Why Immigration Reform is Good for the Economy

Did you know that fixing our broken immigration system will strengthen the U.S. economy, create jobs for American workers, and cut the deficit? We made a stop-motion video to explain the economic benefits of comprehensive immigration reform.


So Our Veterans Know They're Not Alone

Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett joined Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and Director of the Domestic Council Cecilia Munoz for our Veterans and Military Family Mental Health Conference.


The Game of Change Comes to the White House

President Obama met with members of the 1963 Loyola University Chicago Ramblers championship team, and celebrated the 50th anniversary of their Division I basketball title.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:45 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WATCH LIVE


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