luni, 1 iulie 2013

Watch: President Obama in South Africa

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Watch: President Obama in South Africa

On Saturday, President Obama discussed youth empowerment and leadership with young African leaders in a town hall meeting at the University of Johannesburg - Soweto.

Click here to watch the President's town hall, then forward this email along to your friends.

At the University of Johannesburg - Soweto, President Obama discusses youth empowerment and leadership with young African leaders in a town hall meeting. June 29, 2013.

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  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST)

2:20 AM: The President and the First Family depart Cape Town, South Africa

6:40 AM: The President and the First Family arrive Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

7:30 AM: The President and the First Lady participate in an official arrival ceremony

7:40 AM: The President holds a restricted bilateral meeting with President Kikwete

7:55 AM: The President holds an expanded bilateral meeting with President Kikwete

8:45 AM: The President and President Kikwete hold a press conference WATCH LIVE

9:35 AM: The President participates in a tree planting ceremony with President Kikwete

10:05 AM: The President takes part in a CEO Roundtable

11:05 AM: The President delivers remarks at a Business Forum

12:20 PM: The President and the First Lady attend an official dinner with President Kikwete


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