vineri, 19 iulie 2013

Why You Should Blog Less and Update More Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Should Blog Less and Update More Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Should Blog Less and Update More

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 09:49 AM PST

While there aren’t many marketers who still feel you need to blog everyday, most will agree that you should blog often for a variety of reasons. However, I’m going suggest that it might be time to bring that sacred cow to the slaughter house and that, the more posts you publish, the more of a [...]

The post Why You Should Blog Less and Update More appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

How to Build an Affiliate Website Google Doesn’t Hate

Posted: 21 Feb 2013 09:50 AM PST

In over a decade of working on websites I’ve see a lot of affiliate websites. Some were good but a lot were very bad. In this post, I’ll share my experiences about what I think Google is looking for and the common traits of things I’ve seen fail. Single Offer Website When I first started, [...]

The post How to Build an Affiliate Website Google Doesn’t Hate appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

The Role Social Media Plays In Crawling a Website

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 10:00 AM PST

There have been many debates about the value social media plays in having content rank. While nothing has been definitively resolved, it has been shown to be beneficial in the short term. In this post I’d like to take a look at a different aspect: the impact social media has on crawling and indexing. Recently, [...]

The post The Role Social Media Plays In Crawling a Website appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

The Importance of Testing in SEO

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 09:57 AM PST

As a WebmasterWorld Moderator for the Google SEO section I am asked questions everyday and honestly most of them really upset me. I don’t mean a little upsetting, I mean like turning into a big green monster that starts saying “me hulk smash tings”. Why am I so worked up? Because the questions are simple [...]

The post The Importance of Testing in SEO appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

How Google’s Javascript Bot Can Kill Your Website

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 10:39 AM PST

In recent years due to developers misguided attempts to make the web a more interesting place with things like JavaScript and Ajax, search engines have had to come up with new tools to make the content that’s hidden behind these technologies accessible. While I’m sure the people at the Googleplex have nothing but the best [...]

The post How Google’s Javascript Bot Can Kill Your Website appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

How To Protect Your Home Business From A Natural Disaster

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 08:05 AM PST

As some of you may know I live on the south shore of Long Island, and this was one of the areas that was hit by the storm surge and flood waters from Hurricane Sandy last year. We had 38″ of water in the street and 15″ on the first floor of my house, so [...]

The post How To Protect Your Home Business From A Natural Disaster appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

Building a Niche Website

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 10:40 AM PDT

Tips on how to build a successful niche website, that is easy to run and doesn't require much maintenance.

The post Building a Niche Website appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

Google FINALLY Admits That GWO Could F*** Up Your Rankings

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 10:08 AM PDT

Google’s official line on their Google Website Optimizer (GWO) A/B testing tool was that using it would not make your site trip a cloaking filter (since essentially A/B or MVT testing shows different versions of the same page to different people). They claimed it was SEO-safe in other words. BULL****. At Pubcon Las Vegas in [...]

The post Google FINALLY Admits That GWO Could F*** Up Your Rankings appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

Is Social Media The Best Use of Your Time?

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 10:26 AM PDT

When it comes to small businesses, time is usually one of the biggest hindrances. Every small business owner I know (myself included) would love to have a few more hours each day. Since our time is limited, it’s important to plan and be productive with every hour. Almost every day, I will have 10 hours [...]

The post Is Social Media The Best Use of Your Time? appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

How Google is Filled With Hypocrisy and Will Steal Your Intellectual Property

Posted: 04 Sep 2012 10:08 AM PDT

If there is one thing Google is good at, it’s framing themselves and their actions as being “good for the user” and for the benefit of others while playing down how their actions are self-serving. However, those of us who have been around the block a few times know that Google plays fast and loose [...]

The post How Google is Filled With Hypocrisy and Will Steal Your Intellectual Property appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

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