marți, 10 septembrie 2013

Seth's Blog : Actually, they're not yours


Actually, they're not yours

When you say, "my customers," or, "my readers," you're using a shorthand, but you're also making a mistake.

We're not yours.

We're ours.

Your readers aren't going to spread an idea merely because you ask them to.

Your customers aren't going to buy an upgrade just because you issue one.

In the short run, sure, momentum may keep things going. But in the long run (and all the important stuff is in the long run) those individuals, that tribe, is going to care about what they always care about--itself. If you play a part in their version and vision of the future, then sure, go along for that ride. But no, you don't own an audience.

Sometimes, if you're lucky, you rent one.


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