miercuri, 16 octombrie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

It's Not Happening Here But It Is Happening Now

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 07:21 PM PDT

Good ad campaign by Amnesty International - It's not happening here. But it is happening now.

Robert Forstemann Huge Legs

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 07:06 PM PDT

If a gold medal could be handed to the Olympic athlete with the largest thighs, German cyclist Robert Forstemann would lead the pack.

Most Extreme Weather [Infographic]

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 06:21 PM PDT

The news is packed with stories of extreme weather from around the globe, but are we experiencing the worst of the worst now? Looks like the last century has seen some real doozies.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Most Extreme Weather
Most Extreme Weather by The Air Conditioning Company

Top 21 Rad Radiators

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 06:10 PM PDT

It's that time of year again: leaves are falling, stodgy food is calling and there's no chance of drying your washing on the line. Best crank up the central heating, then. After a long summer of standing still, looking boring and being cold, it's time for your radiators to continue standing still and looking boring whilst they dry your clothes and creak creepily when you're trying to get to sleep. But hang on – who said radiators had to look boring? None of the designers who created these beauties, that's who. Forget the dull eyesores that are stuck to almost everyone's walls: this is art. If you thought radiators were all plain white oblongs, our list of the coolest radiators on the planet says you're wrong. Here goes…

Like a Bra

His 'n' Hers


This Little Piggy

View Entire List >>

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