sâmbătă, 26 octombrie 2013

Enrolling in the Affordable Care Act Marketplace

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Weekly Address: Enrolling in the Affordable Care Act Marketplace

In this week's address, President Obama discusses the launch of the Health Insurance Marketplace for the Affordable Care Act, which gives millions of Americans the opportunity to have access to affordable and reliable healthcare -- many for the first time.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama's Weekly Address


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Improving HealthCare.gov: On Monday, President Obama spoke about what’s being done to improve HealthCare.gov. The President said that the best IT experts from both inside and outside the government are working to fix issues with the site, and reminded Americans that there are other ways to apply and enroll for affordable, high-quality health insurance:

Even as we redouble our efforts to get the site working as well as it’s supposed to, we’re also redoubling our efforts to make sure you can still buy the same quality, affordable insurance plans available on the marketplace the old-fashioned way -- offline, either over the phone or in person. 

The Administration is taking steps to improve the enrollment process while work is underway on HealthCare.gov: call centers now have more staffers to process applications or answer questions, and you can preview plans and prices without filling out an application.

Despite the problems, demand for affordable health insurance is high, President Obama said. thousands of people are signing up and saving money.

People can save money, significant money, by getting insurance that’s being provided through these marketplaces. And we know that the demand is there. People are rushing to see what’s available. And those who have already had a chance to enroll are thrilled with the result.

Check out a video of three Americans who have already signed for affordable health insurance and see what they have to say about their experiences.

Immigration Reform: The President spoke about the need to fix our broken immigration system on Thursday. Earlier this year, the Senate passed a bill with bipartisan support, and President Obama said that it's up to House Republicans to decide whether reform becomes a reality or not. "This isn't just the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do," he said.

Securing our borders; modernizing our legal immigration system; providing a pathway to earned, legalized citizenship; growing our economy; strengthening our middle class; reducing our deficits -- that’s what common-sense immigration reform will do..

White House Goes Pink: The White House was illuminated pink on Thursday, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. In 2013, more than 230,000 women and 2,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and we show our support for those are committed to the fight against this terrible disease.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies are restricted from charging women higher costs simply because they are women or because of pre-existing conditions, including breast cancer. Learn more about how the Affordable Care Act benefits women.

Meeting with Prime Minister of Pakistan: The President welcomed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan to the White House on Wednesday. In their bilateral meeting, the two leaders discussed the economy, security and highlighted the importance of U.S.-Pakistan relations. Read the remarks here.



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