vineri, 4 octombrie 2013

Seth's Blog : Learning from those that went first


Learning from those that went first

A month ago, I invited my blog readers to join in a new online/offline school. More than 12,000 people signed up for the rollout, and the first groups started meeting a few days ago.

The initial feedback has been absolutely fabulous. At first, people hesitated to invite others to join them in this process, but once they pushed themselves forward, many discovered the magic that comes from engaging face to face around learning.

If you were hesitating (or just busy), it's not too late to join in.

1. Click here and find out about what this is about.

2. Subscribe to the Krypton/blog newsletter and get the updates going forward.

3. Go ahead and organize a group and start, as soon as you can. Now is better than later. There will be new free courses released every month going forward.

You can catch up on the posts to date (and find the current free course) by reading the Krypton blog, from the bottom up.

Learn together.


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