vineri, 22 noiembrie 2013

"A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama!"

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

"A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama!"

This week, the Vice President traveled to Houston and Panama, the President honored both the legacy of John F. Kennedy and this year's Medal of Freedom Winners and Nobel Laureates, and he attended the Wall Street Journal's CEO Summit.

Click here to watch this week's West Wing Week:

West Wing Week: "A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama!"



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President Obama Honors 2013 Medal of Freedom Recipients

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  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

9:45 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney 

12:45 PM: The Vice President meets with Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc of Turkey

1:45 PM: The President participates in a video conference with Peace Corps Volunteers in Tanzania

2:40 PM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with King Mohammed VI of Morocco


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