joi, 28 noiembrie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Background Actor Fails

Posted: 28 Nov 2013 07:19 PM PST

These background actors have no idea what they are doing.

The guy who has no idea how brooms work:

This guy who definitely just fought a ghost:

These fierce warriors performing in their brutal fight:

And these guys too:

This guy that is pretty sure he was just kicked:

Whoever that stormtrooper in the back is who didn't realize there was a DOOR THERE:

This guy who has no control over his arm movements:

This little kid who wanted everyone to look at…something.

This woman who is unsure of how cutting food works:

This dude who doesn't know how he even ended up where he is:


That dude back there who literally is just standing there with his pants open:

That girl in the back who doesn't realize you aren't supposed to stop running and just look at the camera:

This guy who really thought it was important to fall and roll over:

This guy, who finally realized he'd just been shot:

This guy who looks a little too jolly to be running into shark-infested waters:

And this cat who clearly will never work another day in his life:

There’s no sport in killing a lion like this..

Posted: 28 Nov 2013 06:03 PM PST

The post about Melissa Bachman is till getting a lot of attention and comments. Here is an interesting story about lions and why it is not cool to kill them.

"Fat Star" Octa 8x SST-90 Colossus Led Flashlight

Posted: 27 Nov 2013 08:22 PM PST

One guy from Germany has built this amazing flashlight. He named it Fat Star. It has 18,000 Lumens.

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