sâmbătă, 7 decembrie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

State is an Institution of Theft (Except of Course for Politicians and their Escape Hatches)

Posted: 07 Dec 2013 06:07 PM PST

Here's an interesting video courtesy of a reader from the Republic of Slovenia who sent the link.

Link if video does not play: State is an Institution of Theft

Transcript - Godfrey Bloom - Member of European Parliament
Mr. President, I am minded to quote the great American philosopher Murray Rothbard here. The state is an institution of theft. Tax is just about a system of politicians and bureaucrats who steal money from their citizens to squander in the most disgraceful manner. This place is no exception.

Fascinatingly, and I really don't know how you manage to keep a straight face when you are talking about tax evasion. The whole commission and the commission bureaucracy avoid their taxes. You don't pay taxes like citizens pay taxes. You have all sorts of special deals: tax rates, high tax thresholds, non-contributing pension schemes. You are the biggest tax avoiders in Europe. And here you sit pontificating, well the message is getting home to the people of the European Union.

You are going to find that eurosceptics are coming back in June, in ever greater numbers. And I can tell you worse, as the people get your number, it won't be long before they storm this chamber and hang you. And they'll be right.
Who is Murray Rothbard?

Three cheers for a great speech on the hypocrite nannycrats. And as many Mish readers know Murray Rothbard is far beyond a "great American philosopher".

As Wikipedia explains, Murray Rothbard ...

"was an American economist of the Austrian School, a historian, and a political theorist whose writings and personal influence played a seminal role in the development of modern libertarianism. Rothbard was the founder and leading theoretician of anarcho-capitalism, a staunch advocate of historical revisionism, and a central figure in the twentieth-century American libertarian movement. He wrote over twenty books on anarchist theory, history, economics, and other subjects. Rothbard asserted that all services provided by the "monopoly system of the corporate state" could be provided more efficiently by the private sector and wrote that the state is "the organization of robbery systematized and writ large. He called fractional reserve banking a form of fraud and opposed central banking. He categorically opposed all military, political, and economic interventionism in the affairs of other nations. In the words of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "There would be no anarcho-capitalist movement to speak of without Rothbard."

Case Against the Fed

I highly recommend two easy-to-read book by Rothbard, both available as free eBooks courtesy of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Please read the books! They are free, short, and easy to understand. They explain the fraudulent nature of the economic system we are in.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Nothing Beyond the Octopus Reach; Republican Author of Patriot Act Seeks Prosecution of Obama's Intelligence Director for Lying to Congress

Posted: 07 Dec 2013 12:26 PM PST

Obama's National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, blatantly lied to Congress last Spring when in response to a question stated the NSA does "not wittingly" collect information on Americans in bulk. The lie was revealed thanks to American hero and true patriot, Edward Snowden.

Proven a liar, Clapper now freely admits he gave the "least untruthful" answer he could without revealing classified information.

The Hill reports Patriot Act author says "Obama's intel czar should be prosecuted"
Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr., the original author of the Patriot Act, says Director of National Intelligence James Clapper should be prosecuted for lying to Congress.

"Lying to Congress is a federal offense, and Clapper ought to be fired and prosecuted for it," the Wisconsin Republican said in an interview with The Hill.

He said the Justice Department should prosecute Clapper for giving false testimony during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in March.

During that hearing, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) asked Clapper whether the National Security Agency (NSA) collects data on millions of Americans. Clapper insisted that the NSA does not — or at least does "not wittingly" — collect information on Americans in bulk.

After documents leaked by Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA collects records on virtually all U.S. phone calls, Clapper apologized for the misleading comment.

The intelligence director said he tried to give the "least untruthful" answer he could without revealing classified information.

Sensenbrenner said that explanation doesn't hold water and argued the courts and Congress depend on accurate testimony to do their jobs.

"The only way laws are effective is if they're enforced," Sensenbrenner said. "If it's a criminal offense — and I believe Mr. Clapper has committed a criminal offense — then the Justice Department ought to do its job."
Nothing Beyond the Octopus Reach

Infowars reports Spying Spooks Throw It In Americans' Faces With New Octopus-Engulfing-World Logo
Following this year's further revelations on the NSA actively spying on Americans' communications, along with the president's promise to "reign in" the powers of US spooks, one would have expected that the government would be engaged in a damage control campaign going forward.

However, this is the criminally insane military industrial complex usurped government we're referring to, so Instead they're putting world-eating Octopus logos on the side of spy satellites and tweeting about it.

Here's a photograph of the launch of NROL-39, the latest government spy satellite being overseen by The National Reconnaissance Office, which provides signals intelligence to the NSA, among other agencies. The NRO is considered one of the "big 5″ spy agencies.
NRO Spy Satellite

Let's hone in on the logo.

The logo reads "nothing beyond our reach".

Obviously that includes Merkel's phone, and anything else the NSA wants to spy on.

The NRO claims "The octopus, is a versatile, adaptable, and highly intelligent creature. Emblematically, enemies of the United States can be reached no matter where they choose to hide."

To me that sounds like the "least untruthful" response without admitting what the symbol really means and what they really intend to do: spy on literally everything.

Anti-Patriot Act

The Patriot Act was anything but. It should be scrapped. James Clapper should be prosecuted and spend the rest of his life in prison where he can think about the true meaning of patriotism.

Meanwhile, those looking for a true patriot ought to stand up and salute Edward Snowden. He risked his life, security, and personal freedom to protect the US constitution. What's more patriotic than that?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

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