vineri, 27 decembrie 2013

Top Tweets of 2013

Here's Your Daily Update on What's Happening Here at the White House

Top Tweets of 2013

As 2013 draws to a close, we've put together a timeline of the year's top @WhiteHouse tweets.

Over the past twelve months, @WhiteHouse added almost a million new followers and continued to be an important tool for the White House to engage with the American people and give updates from President Obama and his Administration.

Check out the top tweets of 2013 and be sure to follow @WhiteHouse on Twitter.

Check out the top tweets of 2013


  Top Stories

2013 Year in Review

In 2013, our economy grew, and our deficit shrunk. For the first time in almost two decades, we said that we're producing more oil at home than we buy from the rest of the world. We honored our heroes. We bounced back from national tragedies and natural disasters. We strengthened our relationships with allies around the world and took action to promote the American dream at home.


Weekly Address: The President and First Lady Wish Everyone a Happy Holiday Season

In this week's address, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


First Lady Michelle Obama Helps NORAD Track Santa

Children from around the country phoned NORAD on Christmas Eve for updates on Santa's whereabouts. A few kids got a special holiday treat on the other end of the line: First Lady Michelle Obama, who was helping out with NORAD's annual Santa tracking program.




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