sâmbătă, 21 decembrie 2013

Working Together on Behalf of the American People

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Weekly Address: Working Together on Behalf of the American People

In his weekly address, President Obama highlights the bipartisan budget agreement that unwinds some of the cuts that were damaging to the economy and keeps investments in areas that help us grow, and urges both parties to work together to extend emergency unemployment insurance and act on new measures to create jobs and strengthen the middle class

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama's Weekly Address


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President Obama Holds a Pre-Holiday Press Conference

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The Affordable Care Act Means Peace of Mind for Moms

On Wednesday afternoon, President Obama and the First Lady met with a group of moms (and one aunt!) in the Oval Office to talk about how health reform has benefitted their families.


West Wing Week: 12/20/13 or "26 Candles"

This week, the White House honored those lost at Sandy Hook on the one year anniversary. The President met with newly elected mayors and executives from America's leading technology companies, discussed the benefits of health care reform with a group of moms, and celebrated the holidays with Christmas in Washington.



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